Grayscale glass gobo

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Compatible file extensions to upload: tif, dwg, ai, eps, svg, jpeg, jpg, png, pdf, plt

Production time:

Standard production lead time for orders of maximum 10 gobos is 4 working days. If needed, it will be possible to have shorter production time paying an express production surcharge according to the table below
Production time: Surcharge
1 Day 15€
2 Days 10€
3 Days 5€

For orders of more than 10 gobos, standard production lead time will be of 5 working days. If needed, it will be possible to have shorter production time paying an express production surcharge according to the table below
Production time: Surcharge
3 Days 10€
4 Days 5€

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Greyscale glass gobos can reproduce greyscale fine artworks and photographic quality images in resolution up to 5000 dpi.

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